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We are the team with a lot of practical and hands on accounting experience

About Us 


Prosperity Japan accounting office

Director: Naoko Suto

               U.S. Certified Public Accountant


Address:    2F Hamamatsu-cho Daiya bldg.

                  2-2-15 Hamamatsu-cho


                 Tokyo, Japan

TEL:         050-3697-0362

Business hour: 9:00~18:00 on weekdays

My name is Naoko Suto, the Director of our accounting office.

I have worked in the accounting and finance departments of several foreign-affiliated companies in Tokyo.

Many CPAs go on to become consultants or auditors, but I wanted to work in business accounting, so I gained a lot of practical and hands-on experience in the accounting departments.  

After becoming a financial controller, I was in charge of financial reporting, taxation, head office reporting, financial analysis, budget management, cashflow management and bank negotiation, internal control, ERP implementation of Oracle and SAP, communication with head office, etc.

Since we will act as an accountant for a client, I believe that having a lot of practical experience is a great advantage. This is something I am proud of.

Therefore, I believe that I can understand your accounting outsourcing needs better and provide appropriate support better.

If you have just opened a new company or your staff suddenly quits, hiring a skilled accountant with English ability right away can be a difficult and time-consuming process.


We would be happy to assist you and please contact us in this process.


We will provide services that your company can rely on with confidence. 

We look forward to working with you.




Naoko Suto,

U.S. Certified Public Accountant































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